Smashing Pumpkins


Smashing Pumpkins

Greatest Hits: Rotten Apples/Judas O

I lie,
I wait,
I stop,
I hesitate,
I am,
I breathe,
I meant,
I think of me

Is it any wonder I can't sleep?
All I have is all you gave to me
Is it any wonder I found peace through you?
Turn to the gates of heaven, to myself, be damned
Turn away from eye

It's not enough, just a touch
It's not enough

I taste,
I love,
I come,
I bleed enough,
I hate,
I'm not,
I was,
I want too much

Is it any wonder I can't sleep?
All I have is all you gave to me
Is it any wonder I found peace through you?
Turn to the gates of heaven, to myself, be damned
Turn away from eye

It's not enough, just a touch
It's not enough, just a touch
It's not enough, just a touch
It's not enough, just a touch
It's not enough, just a touch
It's not enough, just a touch

Compositor: Billy Corgan

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