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Fell Off My Name

Faded Paper Figures

Fell off my Name

The self that is wholly comprehended by civilization resolves itself in an element of the inhumanity which from the beginning has aspired to evade civilization. The primordial fear of losing one's own name is realized…
–Horkheimer and Adorno, Dialectic of Enlightenment

I write heresies and sign my name,
publish and perish all the same.
You ask why should I not stay?

Your sobrieties are all a shame
If you have pills on the candle flame.
Tell me, where's your doubter's face?

Your anxieties caught in a pill
Makes you feel like you can feel
When your religion is all DeMille
Just wash it down, wash the lies out from the real.

With your doubts, it's all the same
Now you see how it feels to say,
"I fell off my name."

Your computer says your time is gone
You've been idle for too long.
You give up now, and turn away
And when the virus makes your blood start to decay

With your doubts, it's all the same
Now you see how it feels to say,
"I fell off my name."

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